Combination BC: Connection
The B and C factor combination tells us if a person establishes a connection with others quickly or if those connections take time.
If someone’s B is higher than their C, they’re likely quick to connect. The high B means they’re social and enthusiastic while the low C means they’re fast-paced, so connections and relationships are built quickly.
If someone’s C is higher than their B, they’re likely to take time to connect. The high C means they’re calm and steady while the low b means they’re more reflective and introspective, so connections and relationships are built over time.
B > C | Quick to Connect
• Fluent
• Fast-talking
• Lively
• Enthusiastic
• Optimistic style of expression
• Persuasive
• Motivates others
• Stimulating
• Positive communication
C > B | Takes Time to Connect
• Reserved
• Quiet
• Serious with unfamiliar people
• Comfortable with the familiar
• Introspective
• Takes time to think
• Organizes thinking before expressing self
Workplace Behaviors
B>C Quick to Connect
• Connecting with Others: Builds relationships quickly, wants to persuade people to see their view
• Communicating: Enthusiastic communicator, listens to preserve the relationship, but… get to the point
• Working in Groups: Consensus builders, motivates other group members
C>B Takes Time to Connect
• Connecting with Others: Reserved, relationships build over time
• Communicating: Thoughtful, needs time to process before speaking
• Working in Groups: Reserved, may not surface their ideas openly, time to analyze
En-tête 3

Illustration combination BC - EN
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